Future Food with Analisa Winther interviews individuals and organizations creating a better future through food. If you’d like to apply for the show, fill out this application with more information about your work and organization
In this minisode, I cover the criteria we look for when vetting potential guests as well as information about our audience demographics to help you tailor your application.
Advertise with the show
Advertising on Future Food with Analisa Winther is a great opportunity to reach a targeted audience of people interested in sustainability, technology, and the future of food.
Listeners come from 80+ countries (additional demographic data is available upon request) and the show is in the top 25% of all downloaded podcasts. Each episode interviews an individual or organization creating a better future through food. Ad placements are evergreen (they are not replaced over time) and placed after the show introduction.
Placements typically focus on:
🚀 Supporting new product launches
🚀 Creating brand awareness
🚀 Advertising open positions for hire
🚀 Announcing fundraising rounds, kickstarters, etc
🚀 Promoting products and services that help food companies build their business
🚀 Seeking distributors, partnerships, or other help from the community
To advertise, send an email to nordicfoodtechpodcast@gmail.com