In 2017, Camilla and Raymund were trying to get the best food possible to feed their family. Realizing that food is tightly linked with health, they were looking for high-quality, nutrient-dense foods, but actually struggled to find it in Norwegian grocery stores. So, they decided to start growing their own food. This is the story of how they traded city life and taught themselves how to farm according to regenerative principles.

  • 5:00 How Camilly and Raymund started farming
  • 12:20 What regenerative agriculture is and how it works
  • 23:00 Norway’s farming capacity
  • 27:00 How Reko Rings directly connect consumers and farmers
  • 52:00 Advice for farming and the cost of getting started

Episode Transcript

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Episode Transcript

Analisa Winther, Nordic FoodTech Podcast Host  2:49  

We’re here today to talk about how you two became farmers. And I’d love to go back to the beginning of just understanding your journey to becoming a farmer and how you got into this life. 

Raymund Lester-Watvedt, Regenerative Agriculture Delas Gard  3:01  

We used to live in the city in the capital of Norway, which is Oslo. And it all started with food quality. Because we were modern hunters, like a lot of people are in the city, looking for high quality meat, vegetables. In the city, there is a big variety. But we found that a lot of the food didn’t hold the right quality, it wasn’t nutrient dense enough. So we buying meat and milk straight from the farms. But then we found out that we wanted to grow our own stuff. So, when we got kids and moved out of the city/ We moved an hour from the capital, bought a house, ad started growing our own potatoes and carrots in the lawn.

Camilla Watvedt, Regenerative Agriculture Delas Gard  3:48  

And we first started as many other people live, like a house and small garden. And there was a lawn outside. It wasn’t much, but if you grow food on every lawn then you get a lot of food. So, you can prepare and have it stored for winter time. And you know all of this. And also, the house was prepared for building a garage. But we didn’t build the garage, we built a greenhouse. Because the car doesn’t need a house, we thought, and we need food. That was the beginning of our farming education. And it was the like, YouTube and books and it’s all things we have learned on the way and then just experiencing. But still, we wanted to connect more to nature. It was like there were houses everywhere and we couldn’t have chickens. The way we wanted to. 

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